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KISS Contacts! |
KISS Contacts! |
Key Benefits

KISS Contacts
The easy way to manage your club, association, voluntary organisation, pressure group, society or charity.
The principle behind KIS Software is 'Keep It Simple!' This software allows you to enter details of contacts (individuals or organisations), their membership, transactions and Gift Aid (for UK). It also supports sending documents to contacts based upon user definable text, and the generation of labels, badges/cards, letters and emails. Plus there is a facility to assist you with Direct Debit transactions and export to your BACS software. read more ...
The easy way to manage your club, association, voluntary organisation, pressure group, society or charity.
The principle behind KIS Software is 'Keep It Simple!' This software allows you to enter details of contacts (individuals or organisations), their membership, transactions and Gift Aid (for UK). It also supports sending documents to contacts based upon user definable text, and the generation of labels, badges/cards, letters and emails. Plus there is a facility to assist you with Direct Debit transactions and export to your BACS software. read more ...
Take the KISS Contacts Tour
From this page you can View and/or Download your free Tour of KISS Contacts.
The tour has slides that show you screen shots and explains some of the many benefits of KISS Contacts. This should give you a better idea of how much KISS Contacts can do for you, and how you might use it within your organisation to ease the management of, and expedite the flow of funds.
You can view the summary slides online, or download the entire presentation. read more ...
The tour has slides that show you screen shots and explains some of the many benefits of KISS Contacts. This should give you a better idea of how much KISS Contacts can do for you, and how you might use it within your organisation to ease the management of, and expedite the flow of funds.
You can view the summary slides online, or download the entire presentation. read more ...
To obtain your free evaluation copy of the KISSContacts software just email us your details
and we will provide a download link for you to Try Before You Buy, or you can order it in our Store
and we will provide a download link for you to Try Before You Buy, or you can order it in our Store